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Evil Thoughts

May 31, 2019

Trump announces new Mexican tariffs in response to migrants. Media sides with Mexico. Meanwhile, Customs & Border Patrol release new figures showing a 936,000 annual rate in Texas alone.




May 30, 2019

Program notes coming right up, but you can enjoy today's Evil Thoughts right now. Click on it! Why postpone the joy?

May 29, 2019

Robert Mueller speaks and underscores the absurdity of the investigation. Today's impeachment porn is music to Jerry Nadler & another headache for Nancy Pelosi.

May 28, 2019

Program notes coming right up, but u can enjoy today's Evil Thoughts right now. Click on it! Why postpone the joy?

May 27, 2019

The question is: Do we honor those who sacrificed their lives for us by the way we live ours?