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Evil Thoughts

Jul 31, 2018

Paul Manafort’s trial begins today for stuff he did long before he worked for Trump. Oddly enough he’s in the same boat as Zuck, because none of it mattered before HRC lost.

Jul 30, 2018

The President colludes w/ the new Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte.

Jul 29, 2018

The city of Austin TX is named after an apparent racist, so they're going to change their name. Street signs, too. May I suggest Leftist, Texas?

Jul 28, 2018

Not all sharks are on the Discovery Channel this week, CBS’s CEO Les Moonves is accused of sexual misconduct.

Jul 27, 2018

The President announces 4.1% growth in the GDP for the second quarter of 2018. Meanwhile, it’s becoming clear it’s OK to use the N-word as long as you’re talking about a Trump supporter.