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Evil Thoughts

Sep 29, 2023

Sandy Cortez ain't got nuthin' on Chicago's Mayor, Brandon Johnson. After a second round of looting in as many weeks, he scolds the media for invoking the word, "Mob," instead it's a "large gathering!"

Sep 28, 2023

With 58% of Republican voter support Trump blew off last night's debate to address auto workers in Michigan. Meanwhile Chris Christie, who is currently a 2% attempted to torpedo him by calling him Donald Duck. 

Sep 27, 2023

More looting, last night in Philly, at the Apple Store, Lululemon, and Footlocker as major retailers like Target & CVS announce they are closing stores due to violence and shoplifting. Meanwhile Lefties make excuses.

Sep 26, 2023

World Class race baiter Joe Biden used the impending government shutdown to say Blacks will be particularly effected.

Sep 25, 2023

This morning Bob Menendez announced he's not resigning as Senator, while over the weekend Jim Jordan & James Comer received an interesting letter providing more context on Hunter's Whatsapp convo with the Chinese Company, CEFC.